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Survivor Challenge 2024

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Join the Survivor Challenge!

Create your own fundraising page to help you meet the challenge! Raise $1,500 or more for LUNGevity Foundation by April 1, 2024, and you will be eligible for round-trip US transportation for one person and one hotel room for the 2024 HOPE Summit in Atlanta, GA—a unique three-day event that educates, empowers, and creates a community of support for people affected by lung cancer.

If you raise $2,000 or more by April 1, 2024, you'll be eligible to bring a family member/caregiver to the conference with you (that's round-trip US travel for two plus a shared hotel room).

LUNGevity will use any funds raised in excess of the amount needed to secure your place at HOPE Summit 2024, or if you do not meet your goal, to fund survivor outreach, awareness, education, and research.


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